
What is better anticipation or the actual experience?

"10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Surprise!!!!, or Happy New Year!!!!!!, or ________________ fill in the blank with any other event that I have been anxiously awaiting.  

So many times I have planned an event and the feeling of anticipation fills me with mixed emotions.  The planning gets me excited but also stirs up worry or anxiety whether it is going to work out the way I have planned it in my obsessive brain. A circling of thoughts fills my mind for days, weeks, months and sometimes even years with expectation, possible dialogue and dramatic outcomes.  
When the day approaches all my eager anticipation transfers to pure anxiety and my only wish is that everything will get cancelled leaving me with the joy of perfect anticipation because I worry the actual event will never meet my expectations.

I tell my friends and family, "Never worry about cancelling an event with me as I will not get angry or frustrated."  Instead there is a little voice in my ear that seems to repeat itself again and again.  "I hope they cancel", I hope there is a big snow storm and the plane can't take off", "Maybe my shift will get cancelled and I won't have to go to work"

I do wonder why I have created this pattern because when the time comes I typically enjoy myself when everything pans out whether it be: going to work,  visiting with friends or going on a vacation where I can lay on the beach and relax for hours. I enjoy the time I spend in various scenarios but they are different when I am living the experience.  The actual event pails in comparison to the anticipated event, it feels so easy and effortless.  My mind makes things harder, the anticipation almost ruins the event.

I am curious as to what other people think so I have created a survey on my Facebook page.


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