2 - Please Join Me

Places to Pray

Christ Church Cathedral

My second wish is that people would join me in these exercises. 

Leaving work I start the half hour walk to Christ Church Cathedral.  It is during these walks that I will think about my wish and how it will become a prayer.  Bewildered at how a simple change in focus transforms the way I feel about my wish.  It isn't about the wanting like it was before, now I feel a gratitude for the people who have joined me on these experimental exercises.  

I am learning so much as I develop this program with my colleagues and you are part of that team that is helping this program take form.  I can't thank-you enough.  I am very appreciative!  

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!

Wish 2

Vancouver Museum

My 2nd wish is:  I Wish You Would Join Me in 20 Wishes

I really love what I do but what I would love even more is if people would join me in this fun exercise that gets you moving in the direction of your dreams.

When I start working with people they are interested in what brought me to this line of work.  I passionately talk about my support work, palliative care work and then how I recovered from my husbands death by walking.  The next question always is, "how did he die? It is such a multi-layered story that I have now written out to make that process easier. Even though I have healed from the change I do not like talking about it.  I didn't realize how writing the mystery down would deepen my healing even further but I finish the writing feeling a sense of freedom.

Getting to know my clients while we walk and talk I hear their concerns for their own lives.  A common thing I hear is that they feel mystified of how they will move in the direction of a new life.
I know this feeling of being stuck in a life you aren't happy with but they have no clue what step to take next.

That is why walking and writing and talking, 3 skills we learned when we were very young, are so easy to get us moving.  You don't have to know where you are going just start moving.

20 wishes gets you thinking about what you would wish for your life.  You will write these wishes down then word them in a way that you have control of them coming true.  Eg.  I wish that everyone I loved could live forever.  Obviously everyone wishes this but it is impossible so I changed the wording to "I wish everyone I loved could live forever but that is impossible so I wish that I can embrace and love life fully after loss."

That is as far as you need to go right now.  Just walk to a fountain or body of water, make a wish, take a photo and then write it down.  You can talk to your friends about your wishes or you can write it down for everyone to see when you post your photo.  Sharing does something to deepen this exercise and we will discuss that further soon.

I would love it if you joined me on this 20 wishes exercise.


  1. I will join you Charlene in this wish (moving forward). Let there be love. Think of you often.

    1. Thanks Wendy. I just figured out there were comments here. Sorry


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