Shattered In An Instant

I was dropped off this morning in Maple Bay to stay at my sister-in-laws and nephews house.  I arrived early giving myself time to walk to the beach with the dog before everyone got home.  I have visited here before but never explored their neighbourhood.  

In a short 10 minutes I was at the waters edge breathing in the salt air of Maple Bay. 

Soon after my nephew arrived we set off for a walk on the trails behind their house.  We reached a spot where we could see the waters where I had walked an hour earlier.

Getting a different perspective on life and seeing it from different angles was how I moved through grief by writing memories and walking.  I am so fortunate to have quality time with my nephew to have conversations about this process we both went through with the loss of my husband, his Uncle.

What my process looked like was: 
-tiny step forward 
-tiny step forward 

The frustrating thing is our lives were shattered in an instant but there was no instant repair.  In the process of taking many tiny steps the only place I found solace was in the moments I walked.  When I left no measuring device that could mark my progress I could move.  It was when I lived in the moment with no thought of my past or my future, walking and writing it helped transform my future into this amazing journey I am on right now.

What do you do to live in the moment enabling tiny steps forward?


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