What do you believe?

When I ask you, "What are your beliefs"? Where does your mind go?  Most people, including myself, go right to their religious, spiritual or political beliefs.  These beliefs have usually been reinforced in you since you were born by your parents and the society you were born into.  You either follow the same path or you develop your own beliefs as you get older.

But what beliefs I am talking about is those day to day beliefs that guide your behavior, help you choose friends, determine what makes you happy, and guide your path into a vocation that you love.

I love to examine what I believe but when I was grieving it was beyond difficult as I didn’t feel myself. I was living in a way that contradicted my beliefs and I knew I had to find a way through this pain and get back to me. I followed a path that helped me get through my grief by leaning heavy on everything that I believe. I am so grateful that I have strong beliefs as they directed my steps forward back to the person I love being.

I believe that everyone guides their life by their beliefs whether they can articulate what is guiding them or not. One thing I noticed when I wasn’t happy was, people who cared a lot for me would try and support me and guide me back to happiness.  Their advice and method of choice was the path that brings them happiness, they would gently try and sway me to their beliefs. I felt a deep resistance that repels others peoples guidance because as I get older I know myself better and better. The things that make me smile are not what many others find enjoyable and visa versa.

Since my husband died there have been other things that have brought me to a place of deep sadness. I am an extremely emotional person and I believe in feeling my feelings and dealing with them by not putting them to the side or covering them up. Jumping in and living life full tilt and fearlessly loving the people in my life is what I believe in so I know there will be many more times in my life that I am brought to me knees in grief. The only way out will be to have people around me that care about me and listening to my own internal guide to direct my steps.

Life is such a good teacher and seems to love showing me the error of my ways. I had been one of those people that judged others path to happiness but now I know different. I have learned what to say when people are discovering their new path and it goes something like this, “You know. You can feel it. You know what makes you happy or not happy, your emotions will guide your step.” When I say this I mean it and I do appreciate it when people say it back to me when I am searching.

Everyone wants the secret to happiness. The hard thing is that it is different for every single person. And the search can take you on a route where you discover more often what doesn’t bring happiness.

When life and people are not in my control and frustration takes me down paths where I am searching for my happiness.  I say to myself, "Maybe this path with make me happy? or maybe this path?" It is an old routine where I think my happiness comes from something or someone outside myself.  Whenever I take these paths I struggle to find my footing. But every time I learn again and again that when something or someone is taken away and I choose to search for something outside myself, life shows me again it was always there inside me each and every time.  I was being stubborn and wanting that old thing back that brought me happiness instead of enjoying the new path opening in front of me.

As a life coach my job is to help you start taking those steps that will determine the direction of your new exciting life. There will be no judgment from me. I am your coach, not your judge.

I would love to walk beside you as you discover your new path.

10 Things I Belief

  1. Living and embracing the moment is what living is about. If there are things in my life that prevent me from living in the moment  I can work on them so that I can fully embrace the next moment.
  2. I believe in having fun and laughing.
  3. I believe that I work on myself so that I can get to know myself better and learn to love myself exactly the way I am.
  4. I believe that movement is the best way to move forward.
  5. I believe puddles are meant to be jumped in.
  6. I believe I only live once and I need to embrace life and it is necessary to surround myself with people of like minds.
  7. I believe if you’re going to take the time to have a conversation have a real one, I believe in digging in.
  8. I believe in loving people exactly the way they are especially their quirks, their annoyances and their in adequacies.
  9. I believe my fears stop me from fully loving and I have to learn to let go of my fears so I can fully live and love with no constants.
  10. I believe that emotions should be felt and discovered not covered up and ignored.


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